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BPW Women’s Debate Open
发布时间:2022-01-31     作者:   分享到:


2022年1月21-1月23日,BPW Women’s Debate Open云端落幕,共有80支队伍参赛。本次比赛与Business and Professional Women(国际商业和职业妇女联合会)合作,展开了研讨会、小组讨论等多样的活动,全程公益,旨在通过讨论与学习激励来自不同领域与不同背景的女性,促进性别平等和女性赋权。

P.S. BPW创立于1930年,是第一批联合国认可的关注性别问题的非政府组织之一。


我校英语辩论协会成员金曦童、李源清、陆冬梅、马常璐、朱琳琳、冷嘉慧、程思源、王易等积极参加,并且取得了一定的成绩。由澳门沙金在线平台金曦童和澳门沙金在线平台李源清组成的“思路清曦”队成功进入四分之一决赛,由高级翻译学院陆冬梅与高级翻译学院马常璐组成的“sts rookies”队成功进入八分之一决赛。


1. THS the use of streaming in secondary schools in poor regions.

2. THO the portrayal of female retributive violence in pop culture (For eg shows such as Gone girl, Girl with a Dragon Tattoo).

3. Info Slide

A Metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds which are focused on social connection that is facilitated by the use of virtual and augmented reality headsets. The creation of the Metaverse includes providing everyone with a lifelike avatar that they can use to navigate the virtual worlds. It also may include a digital economy, where users can create, buy, and sell goods. Currently, Meta (formerly Facebook) is leading the push to create a Metaverse.

THC the creation of a Metaverse.

4. THBT queer social movements in Muslim-majority developing countries should attempt to work closely with prominent religious bodies.

5. THBT the South Korean government should exempt globally famous K-pop stars from military conscription.

6. In areas where there are high numbers of violent crimes against women, THW impose a curfew on men.

7. THR the narrative that art depicting trauma of marginalized communities can only be produced by said marginalized community.

8. Info Slide

Information slide: In 2017, following the impeachment of former President Park Geun-Hye, President Moon Jae-In was elected to office. President Moon vowed during and after elections that he will actively investigate and rightfully prosecute former President Park and all relevant parties.

In 2021, President Moon declared that he will provide a special pardon to Park Geun Hye who was serving 22 years in prison for corruption and abuse of power. The representatives of the administration justified that it was due to Park's poor health and an effort to foster unity.

THS Moon Jae In granting presidential pardon to Park Geun-Hye.

9. THS the narrative that it is preferable to suppress strong emotions.


这是一场对于我和我的par来说非常有意义的比赛,是我和我的par参加三次tournament第一次冲出积分赛进入决赛阶段并且意外进入了16强。特别要感谢我的par,我们有最好的默契。在比赛中发现了自己的很多不足,一个是知识面仍然不够广,很多辩题涉及的问题都是自己没有听过或者没有思考过的东西。另一个是辩论技巧,与其他老手相比,我们的框架结构,逻辑链等等仍然需要大量的学习和练习去完善。这场比赛的意义远超比赛本身。它是一场women debate,赛前请了好几个外国奶奶给我们做workshop,给我们分享事业等方面的建议和经验,很热情也让人觉得很温暖。这场比赛让我觉得,作为一个女孩子,我很幸运。

            ——澳门沙金在线平台 金曦童


            ——澳门沙金在线平台 李源清

首先,在这次比赛中,感谢我的partner嘉慧妹妹,一起讨论辩题的过程中学习到了很多自己没有接触过的知识,同时,我也深刻认识到了自我知识储备的不足,还有很长的路要走,go home and read more!

            ——澳门沙金在线平台 朱琳琳
