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百个党史微故事9 | 党委委员何瑜为您推荐《刘胡兰的故事》
发布时间:2021-03-30     作者:   分享到:










The story about Liu Hulan    



It was an autumn day in 1946. When the National Revolutionary Army attacked the Liberated Area massively, the Wenshui County Party Committee decided to leave the minority of armed workforce to persist in the fight and to transfer the majority of the cadre to the mountain.  



At that time, Liu Hulan who was a 14 year-old party member also received the transfer information, but she volunteered to stay there and fight persistently. She bustled around her hometown which had already become the enemy-occupied area, initiated the masses into cooperation with the armed workforce to fight the enemy in secret.  



Shi Peihuan, the village head in Yun Zhouxi village, was a counterrevolutionary because she provided food, allowance and also intelligence for the enemy Yen hsi-shan’s force. In December 1946, he was executed by Liu Hulan and other members in the armed workforce.  




This action riled the enemy Yen hsi-shan’s force to take reprisal attack. On January 12, 1947, the enemy force assaulted the Yun Zhouxi village suddenly. Owing to a renegade, Liu Hulan was arrested by the enemy.  



She gave three invaluable souvenirs: the silver ring given by her grandmother, handkerchief sent by the Commander in the Eighth Route Army and a box as a token of party membership to her stepmother secretly and then was carried away by the menacing enemy. Even threatened by the enemy, she was still calm and tenacious. After seeing several person were executed by the enemy, she raged “how will I be killed.” The enemy responded “the same way” and then she was unruffled to lie on the knife seat.  



Liu Hulan was not yet 15 years old when she sacrificed.  



