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百个党史微故事41 | 教师党员杨毅隆为您推荐《朱德一生学习〈共产党宣言〉》
发布时间:2021-05-01     作者:   分享到:







Studying the Communist Manifesto Throughout Zhu De’s Life



In May 1976, when Zhu De received a new version of the Communist Manifesto  translated by Cheng Fangwu, a consultant of the Party School of the CPC (the Communist Party of China) Central Committee, he seemed to get a treasure. At the age of 90, he spent a day comparing the old version and rereading it carefully.


Early the next morning, Zhu De told his secretary that he was going to visit Cheng Fangwu. After arriving at the Central Party school, Zhu De took out the new version of the Communist Manifesto and praised Cheng Fangwu for his meaningful work. “The new version is easy to understand and can be read down in one breath; only with a good translation can we understand Marxism easily”, he said. When leaving, Zhu De asked Cheng Fangwu to take good care of himself, saying that he  would often come to see him in future. Unfortunately, Zhu De passed away more than a month later because of worsening illness .



Joining the Communist Party of China in November 1922, Zhu De took and read the Communist Manifesto translated by Chen Wangdao from Zhou Enlai at first, and then read another version translated by Cheng Fangwu before he died in 1976. It can be said that Zhu De's life was inextricably linked with the Communist Manifesto.



Studying the Communist Manifesto is an embodiment of Zhu De’s lifelong learning. In the different periods of revolution and construction, Zhu De always urged himself withIt is never too old to work on revolution, learn and transform”. During his stay in Germany, he actively participated in the study of the Party Group and read a series of German versions of Marxist-Leninist works, including the Communist Manifesto and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific; during the Yan’an period, he earnestly studied Marxist revolutionary theory; in the middle of the 1960s, he insisted on studying 32 Marxist-Leninist works prescribed by the Central Committee of CPC for cadres and wrote many study notes. In addition, Zhu De not only attaches importance to book learning, but also pays more attention to learning from the masses in practice. He said, “the most important essence of Marxism-Leninism is to maintain close ties with the masses and learn from them”.

