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百个党史微故事54 | 教师党员樊红蕾为您推荐《万里的群众观》
发布时间:2021-05-14     作者:   分享到:










万里的群众观 Wan Li values the masses


On January 30, 1947, Wan Li published the article “Developing the initiative and creativity of the masses” in the “Hebei-Shandong-Henan Daily”, emphasizing that the more initiative inspired by the leaders, the more creativity the massescould have. Wan Li believed that the work could be done well only by fully mobilizing the initiative of the cadres and the masses, thinking as the masses, and being a part of them.



From 1941 to 1942, a severe drought struck the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Region. Facing the disaster, Wan Li, Secretary of the Yunxi prefectural Party committee, claimed: “No one will starve to death in our base area”. He asked the prefectural Party committee to set up a disaster relief group, and spared no effort to support the disaster-hit area through sending specially-assigned persons to settle the victims, organizing local people to reclaim wastelands, and reducing the off-labor people’s food supply.



In the spring of 1957, Wan Li, then Minister of Urban Construction, accompanied Deng Xiaoping to Taiyuan, Xi’an and other places to inspect. After returning to Beijing, he held a forum and pointed out: “In terms of our urban construction work, the most fundamental shortcoming and mistake are that we have alienated ourselves from the reality and the masses, and not built our city according to the real national conditions.” He criticized the relevant departments for being so greedy for big and new in urban planning and design that ignoring the practical aspects and local people’s opinions. Then he asked them to check, revise and summarize their work carefully based on people’s opinions and the actual situation.



In June 1977, Wan Li was appointed as the first Secretary of Anhui provincial Party committee. At that time, natural disasters occurred frequently in Anhui Province, and farmers in Fengyang County led very hard lives for the shortage of food and clothing supply. Wan Li thought that the main cause of the terrible situation was that people’s enthusiasm for production has not been aroused. For this reason, he specially emphasized that leaders at all levels should establish the view of the masses and production firmly, and investigate the rural areas repeatedly when making policies.



Wan Li trusts the masses, stresses the cadres’ initiative, and insists the view of the people in his work, which sets a good example for us to practice the mass line and maintain close ties with people.   

