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发布时间:2021-04-07     作者:   分享到:

The unity of party leadership, running of the country by the people, and law-based governance


Leadership by the Party, running of the country by the people, and law-based governance were the three major issues Deng Xiaoping mulled over regarding China's political structural reform following the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. They were also the Party's basic experience in promoting democracy and rule of law after standing committees were established in local people's congresses in 1979.


The 15th CPC National Congress held in 1997 pointed out, "The rule of law combines upholding the Party's leadership, giving rein to people's democracy and acting strictly in accordance with the law." The 16th CPC National Congress held in 2002 stated, “The key to developing socialist democratic politics is to integrate the requirements to uphold the leadership of the Party, have the people as the masters of the country, and follow the rule of law.”


Party leadership is the fundamental guarantee for ensuring that the people run the country and governance in China is law-based; that the people run the country is an essential feature of socialist democracy; and law-based governance is the basic way for the Party to lead the people in governing the country. These three elements are integral components of socialist democracy.In China’s political life, our Party exercises leadership. Strengthening the centralized, unified leadership of the Party on the one hand and, on the other, supporting the people's congresses, governments, committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), courts, and procuratorates in performing their functions and playing their roles in accordance with the law and their charters, form a unified pair. We will improve the way the Party exercises leadership and governance to ensure that it leads the people in effectively governing the country. We will expand the people's orderly political participation to see that in accordance with law they engage in democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight. We should uphold the unity, sanctity, and authority of China's legal system, and strengthen legal protection for human rights to ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms as prescribed by law. We should both consolidate government and improve the institutions of democracy at the primary level to ensure the people's rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard, and to oversee. We will improve mechanisms for law-based decision-making, and put in place mechanisms for the exercise of power that ensure sound decision-making, resolute execution, and effective oversight. Officials at all levels must have a deeper understanding of democracy, be democratic in their conduct, willingly accept public oversight, and perform as they should in their role as public servants.

