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发布时间:2021-04-16     作者:   分享到:

Community of Shared Interests

一带一路沿线国家的总人口约 44 亿,经济总量约 21万亿美元,分别占世界的63%29%。受资源禀赋、产业基础、历史条件等因素的制约,各国之间发展不平衡,而且大部分为发展中国家。一带一路贯穿欧亚非大陆,东牵发展势头强劲的东亚经济圈,西连发达的欧洲北美经济圈,有望建成世界跨度最大、最具活力的经济走廊,形成沿线国家经济利益对接整合的格局。一带一路建设旨在激发沿线各国发挥比较优势,将经济互补性转化为发展推动力。通过沿线国家的互联互通和贸易投资便利化等深度国际经济合作,打造世界经济新的增长极,最终实现互利共赢。

The countries along the proposed Belt and Road routes – most of which are developing countries – have a combined population of 4.4 billion and an aggregate output of US$21 trillion. These represent 63 percent of the world's population and 29 percent of its economic aggregate. Individual countries each have their own natural resources, infrastructure, and historical experiences; such differences, among other factors, have led to different levels of development.Spanning three continents – Asia, Europe and Africa – the Belt and Road is expected to become the world's most expansive and most dynamic economic corridor, with vibrant East Asia at one end and the developed economies of Europe and North America at the other. Such integration will contribute to a better alignment of economic interests. In a joint effort to build the Belt and Road each country's comparative strengths can be better exploited, and economic complementarity can be better transformed into new drivers of development. The initiative will rely on wide-ranging international economic cooperation to promote connectivity and facilitate trade and investment. It envisions a world of new economic growth, where win-win strategies are favored.

