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发布时间:2021-05-13     作者:   分享到:


Reform of SOEs  


Reform of the enterprises that are owned by the whole people, commonly known as "state-owned enterprises" (SOEs), is a major central leadership action designed to invigorate these companies and make them bigger and stronger. This reform has continued throughout China's four decades of reform and opening up.From 1978 to 1984 reform experimented with giving more decision-making power to the enterprises. The government delegated some powers to them for planning, product marketing, and profit retention. The profits reserved gave the SOEs financial resources to develop production, reward their workers, and improve their welfare.In December 1986 the State Council issued a document on further reform to invigorate these enterprises, marking the formal launch of SOE reform. The document permitted small SOEs to try leasing and contracting operations, and large and medium-sized ones to adopt diverse forms of responsibility systems in operating their business. A few large and medium-sized SOEs in different localities were selected to experiment with shareholding systems. On a deeper level this tackled such problems as lack of initiative and low economic efficiency. It also removed public bias and prejudice against ownership models other than state ownership.  



The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee made it clear that the goal of SOE reform was to introduce a modern corporate structure featuring "clearly established ownership, well-defined power and responsibility, separation of government administration and enterprise management, and scientific management."The 15th CPC National Congress held in 1997 stated that in order to improve the state sector as a whole, China would conduct strategic reorganization of SOEs by managing large enterprises well and relaxing control over small ones.The 16th CPC National Congress set the task of reforming the state assets management system by introducing a system under which the central and the local governments would assume the responsibilities of investors on behalf of the state.The 19th CPC National Congress underscored the need to improve the systems for managing different types of state assets, and reform the system of authorized operation of state capital. In the state-owned sector, China will step up improved distribution, structural adjustment, and strategic reorganization. It will ensure that state assets maintain and increase their value, support state capital assets in becoming stronger, doing better and growing bigger, and prevent any loss of state assets. It will further reform SOEs, develop mixed-ownership economic entities, and turn Chinese enterprises into world-class, globally competitive firms.Thanks to 40 years of reform, SOEs have seen fundamental changes in their management and operation systems, enhanced quality of operation and faster growth, and greater leverage and influence on the part of the state sector of the economy.  

