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百个党史微故事44 | 教师党员王满良为您推荐《罗亦农:忠实闹革命 愿做急先锋》
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《罗亦农:忠实闹革命 愿做急先锋》






罗亦农:忠实闹革命 愿做急先锋

Luo Yinong: Loyal to the Revolution Willing to be a Pioneer



Luo Yinong was one of the important leaders of the Communist Party of China in the early days. In 1919, inspired by the May 4th Movement and progressive thought, Luo Yinong went to Shanghai to study. Through the New Youth, Labor’s Circle and other progressive magazines, he read a large number of articles and books about Marxism, and got to know Chen Duxiu and others. In 1920, introduced by Chen Duxiu, Luo Yinong entered the “Foreign Language Institute” organized by the early Communist Party in Shanghai to study Russian, and became a member of the first group of the Socialist League of China.




In March 1921, Luo Yinong joined the Shanghai founding group of the Communist Party, which was then making preparations for establishing the Communist Party of China. As a pioneer fighter of the proletariat, he devoted himself to the great struggle of transforming China and realizing communism. In May 1921, together with Liu Shaoqi and Ren Bishi, he was dispatched by the Shanghai founding group of the Communist Party of China to study in the Communist University of the Toilers of the East in Moscow. There, Luo Yinong comprehensively and systematically studied the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the experience of Russian Revolution, thus rapidly becoming mature in politics.






In August 1924, Luo Yinong clearly emphasized in The Report at the Second Conference of the CPC-to-Moscow Branch: “What is the purpose of our coming to Russia? It's not for the title of a bachelor’s or master’s degree, but for the purpose of learning the theory and practice of proletarian revolution and training ourselves to become loyal communists and take revolution as our career.” In 1925, he returned from the Soviet Union. Through these four years of training, Luo Yinong became a firm Marxist.

