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百个党史微故事47 | 教师党员韩林烨为您推荐《方志敏:用生命捍卫信仰》
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Fang Zhimin: Defending Faith with Life



In early November, 1934, Fang Zhimin, the then chairman of the Military and Political Committee of the 10th Red Army Corps, was in command of directing the Red Army to move towards the north in order to resist Japanese invasion. In the process, the Red Army was besieged and outnumbered by the troops of Kuomintang of China (KMT). Unfortunately, Fang was captured on January 29th, 1935. On August 6th of the same year, he died a heroic death in Nanchang, Jiangxi province at the age of 36.



Unwavering faith comes from the firm belief in scientific theories. In 1924, Fang Zhimin joined the Communist Party of China (CPC). Shortly after he became a CPC member, he wrote this passage with great passion. “No matter how much the class enemies may curse the CPC, it is ultimately the party of the most progressive class of mankind——the proletariat. The reason lies in the following facts: it is equipped with complete revolutionary theories and programme with the noblest ideals; it adopts rigorous organization and iron-like discipline; it employs correct strategies and tactics; it is supported by a large number of members and masses who are chosen and loyal to the revolutionary cause; and its leaders are sincerely loved and respected by the whole Party. From now on, I’d like to devote everything of my own, even my life to the CPC.”





Fang Zhimin’s selfless character was shaped by his abiding faith and years of revolutionary experience. He once recalled an incident after he was captured. Two Kuomintang soldiers, who captured him in the woods, were so excited and thinking that they could make a fortune from him. But after these two soldiers frisked Fang Zhimin from head to toe, they found nothing but a watch and a fountain pen. They finally realized that the “Senior Officials” of the CPC were different from those of the KMT.



The unshakable faith is embodied in the choice of life or death on the part of the revolutionary. In order to make Fang Zhimin surrender, the KMT resorted to all unscrupulous means to coerce and entice him. Chiang Kai-shek once instructed the former head of the KMT Central Prison to “persuade Fang to surrender and expiate his crimes”. Fang Zhimin replied “I, Fang Zhimin, have no interest in title or money. I am fully aware of the ending like this. But since I can’t have it both ways, I have no choice but to die.” Eventually, Fang Zhimin fearlessly gave up his life to defend his faith.


