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百个党史微故事46 | 教师党员吕允丽为您推荐《瞿秋白:抛却旧时代,奋斗寻光明》
发布时间:2021-05-08     作者:   分享到:







A Story of Qu Qiubai: Ending the Old Era and Striving for a Bright Future



Qu Qiubai was one of the prominent leaders of the Communist Party of China in its early days. In his youth, in the face of China's domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, he was determined to "pioneer a bright road" and dedicated himself to saving the country and its people. In October 1920, Qu Qiubai left Beijing for the socialist country Soviet Russia, embarking on a new journey, “the journey of revolution”,for which he would give all his life.



During his stay in Russia, Qu Qiubai served as an interpreter and assistant teacher of a Chinese class in Moscow Oriental University. His twice-encounters with Lenin deepened his understanding of the world's first socialist country and led to his accepting of Marxism. In his news reports for Beijing Morning Post and Shanghai New Times as well as his two collections of essays, What I Witnessed in the Starving Country and My Impressions of the Red Capital, he gave a thorough introduction to the Russian Revolution and praised it enthusiastically, including its leader Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, heralding the "light" of the October Revolution which would "illuminate the world".





As time went by, Qu Qiubai grew more and more intertwined with the working people and revolutionaries. He said in My Impressions of the Red Capital, “Although I am a nobody, I have become a member in the world's pioneering cultural movement. It will open a new path for human culture; it will also revitalize the over four-thousand-year splendid Chinese culture.” This solemn and proud declaration demonstrated that Qu Qiubai had begun to accept the communist ideology not only as a concept but also as a part of himself, marking the end of his "old self" and the beginning of "new self" in his life.



In December 1922, Qu Qiubai took leave of Moscow where he had lived and worked for two years and returned to China. After two years of tempering, studying, thinking, and exploring, the young Qu Qiubai had grown into maturity. He had undergone a dramatic change in his world outlook and become a real Marxist.

