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百个党史微故事56 | 教师党员赵妍为您推荐《任弼时:时刻把群众利益放在心上》
发布时间:2021-05-16     作者:   分享到:












Ren Bishi: Take the interests of the masses in mind all the time


During Yan’an period, because of the heavy workload, Ren Bishi worked over 15 hours every day. However, no matter how busy he was, he was always concerned about the sufferings of the masses and often took time to visit the peasants in order to know their real situation and help them solve their difficulties. In his view, revolution is not for personal interests, reputation and social status, but for the liberation and interests of the masses. So, we must get on our work from the perspective of "the people’s interests, the experience of taking care of them and the strength of relying on them".




One afternoon in midsummer, Ren Bishi walked out of his office cave towards to the plain area which could go through the gate of jujube garden. Along the way, he felt anxious when he saw the leaves of the corns all over the plain are tanned.  It happened that several peasants were watering the land, but the flows were so small that it even could not water a piece of land. Ren Bishi stepped forward and asked for the reason about this situation. He finally knew that the canals were in disrepair and leaking everywhere. He found that there was no problem with the water source, as long as the canal was repaired, the urgent needs of the peasants could be solved. After he immediately reported to the president Mao Zedong, the president agreed his maintenance plan and handed over Ren Bishi to be responsible. So, all the government cadres began to work day and night, without a week, a canal with a length of 6 kilometers and a width of 4 meters was built. The 1400 acres of land around the jujube garden was benefited by this canal that year. After it was repaired, the peasants irrigated the land and brought out the dry crops came back to life. People were so happy that they named the canal "Happiness Canal".





密切联系群众、时刻把群众的利益放在心上,是共产党人的优良传统和作风。任弼时用自己的一言 一行,模范践行了为人民服务的根本宗旨。

It is an excellent tradition and style of the Communists to keep close ties with the masses and take their interests in mind all the time. With his own words and deeds, Ren Bishi put the fundamental purpose of our party “serving the people” into practice and set an example to us!

