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百个党史微故事57 | 教师党员张迪晨为您推荐《陈毅与家人“约法三章”》
发布时间:2021-05-17     作者:   分享到:












The Rules Between Chen Yi and His Families


Marshal Chen Yi attached great importance to the education of his children. He wrote a poem To My Children in 1961, which reads, “we should pay attention to our ideals and also contribute to the world. I will be ashamed for personal benefits but the sake of the people.”


Chen Yi was strict with his relatives and never used his position to pursue any personal benefits. In the spring of 1950, his parents and little sister were brought by the Communist Party to live in Shanghai from their hometown Sichuan. After a period, he urged his sister to work independently and persuaded her to apply for a college. His sister wanted further study at college and asked him to make use of his network of interpersonal relationship. Chen Yi firmly refused, “I wouldn’t do that. I am the mayor of Shanghai of the Communist Party! If you can pass the examination, then stay in Shanghai, otherwise, go back to Sichuan.” Later, his sister applied for the medical school and was admitted to the Shanghai medical personnel training class.




Chen Yi earnestly cautioned his children to have a great ideal of pursuing happiness for all mankind, and not to be boasting for a lifetime. Under the education and influence of Chen Yi, his children were also strict with themselves. It happened to be summer when Chen Xiaolu, his third son, married Su Yu’s daughter. The guests who went to the wedding saw only one big watermelon on their table, and the simple “watermelon banquet” became a wedding banquet. Under the influence of Chen Yi, his children have cultivated good qualities. They are not only diligent and thrifty but also humility. During Chen Yi’s hospitalization, his children showed their great respect to the medical staffs. They took medicine and cleaned the corridor by themselves. The excellent family tradition not only became the children’s pride, but also gave them benefits for their whole life.
