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百个党史微故事59 | 教师党员潘麦玲为您推荐《张劲夫“让车”救群众》
发布时间:2021-05-19     作者:   分享到:











Zhang Jinfu “Let the Car” to Save the Masses


Thirty-eight years ago, Zhang Jinfu, the former member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor, and an outstanding leader of China's sciencefinance and technology, did “a trifle thing” of giving ways, which profoundly explained the fundamental position of putting the people’s interests first.





On the International Labor Day of 1980, when Zhang Jinfu and other comrades from the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee were investigating the agricultural production situation at the grass-roots unit, they saw a woman lying on the side of the road with blood on her face and she was in coma. Some of the crowd gathered round anxiously, bewildered. Zhang Jinfu immediately decided to offer a car and sent people to escort the patient to the hospital for treatment. After the escort came back, Zhang Jinfu asked with concern: “How is the injury? Is there any danger to life? Is she in the hospital?” The next day, he asked people to inquire about the situation again. He was not relieved until knowing that the patient was in hospital and in good condition. Several days later, the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee received a letter of thanks from the patient's family. It said: “My family and I have always been moved by governor Zhang Jinfu's spirit of caring for the masses. The spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly is exactly the embodiment of today’s new relationship between the cadres and the masses. With this kind of relationship between the cadres and the masses, what strength does the masses have that they cannot exert in the construction of the “Four Modernizations”?


Don’t thank us, this is what we should do, unfortunately, there are still many things that have not been done or done well.” Zhang wrote back after receiving the letter.


It can be a trifle thing of giving a car in emergencies, but he cares about the masses and put them in his heart, which vividly embodies the fundamental position, value orientation and spiritual pursuit of Chinese Communists.
