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百个党史微故事60 | 教师党员杨琴为您推荐《甘祖昌:将军回乡当农民》
发布时间:2021-05-20     作者:   分享到:











Gan Zuchang: A General Returning to His Hometown to Be a Farmer


Starting from Jinggang Mountain, Gan Zuchang followed the Red Army and took part in the Long March, the War of Resistance against Japan, and the War of Liberation. His revolutionary footprints spread across most of China.



In the spring of 1952, Gan Zuchangwho was then the minister of the logistics department of the Xinjiang Military Regionwas seriously injured and left with severe sequelae of cerebral concussion when his car turned over into the river after the  inspection work. When he was awarded the military rank of major general in 1955, he said to his wife: “Compared to those old comrades-in-arms who sacrificed themselves for the revolution, what I did is too little, while the honor and status granted to me by the organization are too high!” Since then, he wrote reports to the organization more than once to make requests for the organization’s approval of his going back to the countryside in Jiangxi province. In 1957, the organization approved his request.





In August 1957, Gan Zuchang left Xinjiang with his family and returned to Lianhua County, Jiangxi Province. His house was located in Fanglou Yanbei Brigade (now Yanbei Village), where most of the arable land was winter paddy fields, with a yield of only more than 100 kg per mu. He adopted the method of digging underground waterways to drain sewage to achieve the ditching and draining of the farmland, increasing grain yield per mu by 50%.



In 1985, Gan Zuchang suffered a relapse of disease. During his hospitalization period, the head of the Xinjiang Military Region and all the officers and men of the whole army sent representatives to extend regards to him and proposed to build a house for Gan Zuchang in Nanchang to let him settle down. Gan Zuchang said: “Thanks for the concern of the organization and comrades, but I’m 80 years old, building a new house is of no use to me, why not save some money for the country?”



On September 26, 2013, when meeting with the winners of the 4th National Moral Model and Nomination Award, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “Gan Zuchang is the founding general of our Republic and an old Red Army man of Jiangxi origin. I had learned the text about ‘the general working as a farmer’ when I was a pupil, which deeply affected us.” The general secretary also emphasized that we must carry forward this spirit of hard work. Not only must our generation inherit it, but also our next generation must promote it, in order to pass it on from generation to generation.
