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百个党史微故事19 | 党支部书记张君尧为您推荐《“炎陵黄桃”的推手》
发布时间:2021-04-09     作者:   分享到:






推荐理由:党评价他为“他对群众好,群众跟他亲”,群众称赞他“大黄抓小黄,抓出金黄黄”。“时代楷模”黄诗燕扎根基层8年,带领20万老区人民,通过产业扶贫将 “山沟沟”里的贫困发生率从19.5%降至0.45%。在建党100周年之际,学习黄诗燕的事迹,就是学习他的“实”——实实在在为群众解决问题;学习他的“拼” ——咬定青山不放松,想方设法发展乡村产业;学习他的“情”——不忘初心跟党走,全心全意为人民。  




The Marketing Brain Behind Yanling Yellow Peach  


On June 25, 2011, Huang Shiyan, the 13th Secretary of the Yanling County Party Committeecame to the county. Despite the torrid heat, Huang went to the countryside with only a straw hat. The mountain road was so muddy that it took more than three hours for the car to reach Ce Yuan town, Lishuzhou village. Lishuzhou village, the farthest village of the local county, was the only no electricity village” of the Zhuzhou city at that time.  



There were over 80 people of 25 households in Yanling village. The annual per capital income in the village was no more than 1000 yuan. Under the initiative of Huang Shiyan, Yanling County established the Office of Yellow Peach Industry and Yellow Peach Association. The local yellow peach was also nominated as Yanling yellow peach. Also, the county applied for the National Geographic Identification Products, which started its own brand.  



Eventually, yellow peach got out from remote mountain of Yanling to all over China. As a result, more than 80,000 acres yellow peach was planted, with an output value of 1.1 million yuan in 2019. The income of yellow peach accounted for 40% of the farmer’s income from agriculture, forestry and fishery in the county.  



Nearly 60% of the poor achieved stable poverty alleviation by planting yellow peach. Up to now, all 54 impoverished villages have eliminated poverty, and all registered poor households in Yanling county have been lifted out of poverty.  



On November 29, 2019, however, after having the poverty alleviation dispatch meeting, Huang Shiyan suffered a heart attack and died at the age of 56.



